Six Pre-Teen Friends Piggybacking in a Park

Good News FHL

About Us

We strive to empower, encourage, and provide opportunities for building positive relationships. Inspiring ​affirmations toward positivity, we are committed to equipping students to avoid risky behavior in healthy ​ways and incorporating the support of the family. Each day is the perfect time to inspire the community's ​youth to be leaders for the future and the next generation. We seek to glorify God by honoring the much ​too often dismissed youth voice.

Dr. Prudencia A. Jacobs

Vice President

Pastor Paulette Clark


Jamilah Miggins Surrett


Octavia Howard


Our Mission

Quotation Mark

"Our Mission is to know Him and make Him known."

"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing ​them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit ​and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded ​you.

And surely, I am with you to the very end of the age."

Matthew 28:19-20

Our Vision: "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the ​righteous run into it and are safe" Proverb 18:10.

Our Purpose: "We Love because He first loved us" 1 John ​4:19

"I don't do great things; I do small things with great Love."

-Mother Teresa

Quotation Mark

Services We Provide

Volunteer mentors teen boy in school library


We all inspire and uplift each other

Supportive Services

High School Kids Raise Hands


Friends Hiking


Stack of colorful hardback books, open book on blue background

Literacy Program

Thinking, Happy Girl and Home with Ideas and Inspiration on a Living Room Sofa. Surprise, Decision and Child with Learning and Consideration on a Lounge Couch in House with Student Knowledge and Plan

Youth Services

Photos from Events

Suds n’ Soaps

Good News F. H. L. Outreach, Inc. (a 501c3) has commissioned ​our organization and its leaders to bring Faith, Hope, and Love ​to children and youth.

We aim to inspire, support, and exemplify His Hope through ​active faith and nurturing love. We are especially committed to ​serving those disadvantaged by the daily challenges of poverty, ​abuse, and declining resources (not only educationally but also ​socioeconomically).

We are excited to serve the community and partner with ​incredible people. We are beyond thankful to welcome Emory ​At Oxford to the family.

A Bright Future: Our Future Hats

The mission of the youth program is to ​empower, encourage, and provide ​opportunities for positive relationships. It ​also inspires affirmations toward positive ​behavior to avoid risky behavior with the ​support of the family. The program ​inspires the youth in the community to be ​leaders for the future and the next ​generation, honoring the youth voice.

Smiling Teen

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